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Oeuvres non-disponibles sur Vithèque :
Barker, Clive, dir. Hellraiser. New World Pictures, 1987.
Becker, Lutz. Horizon. 1967.
Chartier, Gilles. Video feedback experiments. 1967–73. (Unrecorded images in Arbec, “Graphisme lumineux.”)
Crutchfield, James. Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback. 1984. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Kn3djJMCE
Feulner, . Pivot Forward Collapse. 2020. https://vimeo.com/249742442
Goss, Carol. Rings/Lovers. 1975.
Lambert, Verity. Doctor Who. Episode 1, “An Unearthly Child.” BBC Productions, 1963.
Lucier, Alvin. I Am Sitting in a Room. 1969. https://ubu.com/sound/lucier.html
Meech, Sam. Chroma Culture. 2019. http://portfolio.smeech.co.uk/video-culture/
———. Écran de Veille / Screen Savour. 2022. http://portfolio.smeech.co.uk/ecrandeveille/
———. Generative Fiction. 2020. http://portfolio.smeech.co.uk/generative-fiction/
———. Portal. 2019. http://portfolio.smeech.co.uk/portal/
Schneemann, Carolee. Fuses, 1964-1967.
Stefan, Sonya. Various video feedback experiments. Instagram. 2020–present. https://www.instagram.com/morfeolastrega/