![[ Fig.01 ] Contact sheet 3 <i>Legend</i>, 1988.](/sites/default/files/styles/fixed_width_480/public/advancedpublications/videos/13225/xnelsonhenricks-contactsheet3legend1988.jpeg,qitok=kNY6UuJV.pagespeed.ic.lY1rG58bGQ.jpg)
Video Corpus
Videographic Work — Video Program
Nelson Henricks' work is very unique and emblematic of what contemporary artistic practices have to offer. A way of being in the world that at once unmistakably inscribes itself in the present, while acknowledging what has built it, nourished it, stimulated it, made it, so to speak. By developing this language that is so singular to him, Henricks has made a very significant contribution to the evolution of video art in Canada. In addition to the extraordinary quality of his work, Henricks has made a generous contribution to his community. A contribution that unfolds in many ways, from supporting the development of young artists' practice in institutional or non-institutional settings, to enriching the discourse around the works of his peers, to contributing to the influence and balance of Montreal's visual and media arts ecosystem.
- Excerpt from the presentation text for Nelson Henricks' nomination for the Prix Robert-Forget 2024.
As part of this publication, you will find a video corpus selected by Nelson Henricks, available free of charge on Vithèque for a limited time.