Digital publications

[ Fig. 01 ] <i>My Dinner with Weegee</i>, 2001.

Body-to-Body: the Works of Donigan Cumming brings together the 26 videos of Donigan Cumming, essays by Zoë Tousignant and Fabrice Montal, an interview with Jean Perret, photographs, drawings, collages, as well as images and soundscapes of his installations .

[ Fig. 01 ] <i>Le voyage de l'ogre</i> (video still), 1981.

This publication includes three new essays by Luc Bourdon, Alexis Lemieux and Denis Vaillancourt, the 16 videos Paradis made, and a rich selection of previously unseen personal documents.

The history of video art is intrinsically linked to Vidéographe’s history. The centre evolved alongside new tools and methodologies and it has facilitated the development of new technical and artistic possibilities ever since. For an ever-growing number of artists, Vidéographe’s 50 years represent as many years of experimentation, exploration and innovation. The original experimenters have become established artists, indeed trailblazers of video creation.

[Fig. 01] Colour bars.

Fruit d’un long travail reposant sur l’ensemble de l’œuvre de Nathalie Bujold sur plus de trente années, cette monographie regroupe les réalisations les plus emblématiques de l’artiste accompagnée d’essais d’auteur·trice·s qui ont côtoyé de près ses explorations ou ont approché sa démarche artistique dans un esprit de découverte et d’aventure, avec un regard interrogatif et enjoué attesté par des textes fort pertinents et enthousiastes à

[ Fig. 01] <i>Don't You Like the Green of A?</i>, 2022.

This publication brings together four previously unpublished essays by Vincent Bonin, Jon Davies, Nelson Henricks and Maude Johnson, as well as a reprint of a text by Christine Ross, published by OBORO in 1995. These writings are complemented by a rich selection of photos and videos assembled by Nelson Henricks.