[Fig. 01] Jeu Vidéo cabaret, 2009.

Video Corpus

Nathalie Bujold is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Montréal. In 1985, she was one of the co-founding members of the artist-run centre and collective L’Œil de Poisson in Quebec City. She completed a bachelor’s degree at Université Laval in 1992, winning the Prix René-Richard. Her work has been presented in Québec and abroad. In 2008, she received the Prix de la création artistique awarded by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. In 2016, she earned a master’s degree in visual and media arts from UQAM. Her single-channel videos are distributed by Vidéographe, and she is represented by Galerie ELLEPHANT.

Les trains où vont les choses


Thirty-five continious sequences, pixel-like, recur in a time-lag, forming an undulatory horizontal movement. The result is a retinal tapestry.



In this household goods store, ideas are sold. A series of improbable moments, of playing in the kitchen with one’s feet, one’s hands, one’s mouth and the radio.

La Montagne Sainte-Victoire


"The author takes an iconoclastic look at a mythical landscape in the history of twentieth-century art. She shows us an electronic interpretation of the mountain Paul Cézanne gazed upon, along with many other painters and lovers of light in his wake."

Nicole Gingras

O.K. Gerard


Sounds were filmed in units and then assembled to create a score. Each section of the sound was scripted so that the visuals reflect what emerges from the musical form. Over top of that, a few supplementary motifs are invited along to create a kind of video clip.

Six kilomètres


Small interludes depicting a range of landscapes in which micro events occur naturally or are prompted during filming or editing. These videographic postcards were gathered in Marseille and its surrounding areas.  

Onelie de l’Oneli


Eight little chromatique interludes revealing details of daintiness.

These Days


A short anti-MTV video clip. It is meant to make you daydream while not much is happening in the video except a pattern or two. Song by Jackson Browne recorded by Nico.

Some Velvet Morning


A short anti-MTV video clip. It can make you see things in your mind while nothing is happening, except a pattern or two.

Permanant Smile


A short anti-MTV video clip. It can make you see things in your mind while nothing is happening, except a pattern or two.

All The Good Things


A short anti-MTV video clip. It can make you see things in your mind while nothing is happening, except a pattern or two.

Textile de cordes


The same instrument plays the same note using various techniques. This is repeated simultaneously in an exponential manner (from 4 to 16 up until 67108864) by each time adding, either negatively or positively, 20% of the duration to change the note pitch. Isabelle Bozzini on the cello.



These steps greet the paths traveled to the pixels. The stairs are a kind of common denominator of outstanding works from several mediums that have marked the hybrid genre.

Le meilleur de HIT


A reduction and selection among the nine sequences created for the installation HIT to draw the best from them in a form more suited to a linear reading. In the first of the five tableaux, with animation, we play with movement in the manner of a musician, respecting the phrasing so as to prolong the gesture. In the next, we play with superposition, but frontally, in order to create a sort of six-armed musician. In the middle, a solo, on three instruments activated by fifteen drummers. In the last two tableaux, a single musician, first with a single tom that has lost its gravity, then with the whole instrument become a monument.



The video tableaux featuring the drummer Michel Langevin (Voïvod) are staged in advance so that animations can be created that accentuate certain aspects and highlight the musician’s gestures and the sounds he produces. Geometric constructions, inspired by quilting motifs, multiply to produce a more abstract composition, guided by the sounds.

The video shows HIT I (1 min 43 s).



From samples of moving images of a metronome (in a pyramidal shape), various visual and rhythmic patterns are explored in order to stage the sound. This tribute to the composer György Ligeti is inspired by a piece for one hundred metronomes (preferably in a pyramidal shape), a conductor and ten performers, entitled Poème symphonique which is 60 years old.

Cherry Song


"Cherry Song" resonates under the combined action of the rebound hitting the bottom of the hen and its echo. The short piece is elaborated during editing by playing with the parameters of temporality. The recording with Patrice Fortier and the ground cherries of La société des plantes took place during a residency at the Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay in the fall of 2021. This work is part of a more global project with LSDP, started more than a year ago, where the plants and the plans meet despite an apparent distance between the fields and the songs.

Comptes à rebours de 7 à 0


Eight entropic adventures which attempt to transcend domesticity but end up clinging to it with affection. A game which vacillates between the banal sublimated and the sublime banalized.

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