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The installation microsleeps was shot in 16 mm and Super-8, then transposed to three digital channels, with soundtracks produced by Émilie Payeur, an experimental music and noise composer. Clermont uses, among other things, the technique of mordanting—a procedure that deteriorates the image by altering and lifting the film’s chemical emulsion— to fleetingly reveal the micromovements of various strata of pictorial composition. The sensations of immensity elicited
by the captured places and moments permute randomly, giving substance to fleeting but pronounced states of being. The installation proposes a succession of latent universes, inscribed in the interstices of a moving present where states of intimacy and extimacy (Lacan) are intertwined. microsleeps reflects the plurality of “intra” and “extra” personal relationships of which we are composed and summons us to a remarkable encounter with them.

You can find more info about the instalation here

Original language
No dialogue


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Art Direction
Charlotte Clermont
Sound Design
Émilie Payeur
Myriam Le Ber Assiani
Made in collaboration with
OPTICA, centre d’art contemporain


Further information

The installation microsleeps was shot in 16 mm and Super-8, then transposed to three digital channels, with soundtracks produced by Émilie Payeur, an experimental music and noise composer.


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